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Location: Clarksville, TN

Monday, July 10, 2006

Dreaming of My Addictions

Well, I have come to the realization that not only am I addicted to Starbucks but I am becoming addicted to MySpace. The reason is because I have been reunited with 3 friends from my past. I even met up with one friend this weekend. I hadn't seen her in over 3 years. Incredible! It even leads me to wonder, who will I come in contact with next?

A couple of weeks ago, I had another dream. If you had read a couple of blogs earlier, then you know about my "Cracker Barrel dream." Well, this time it was Dunkin Donuts. I would like to think that I would dream about Krispy Kreme donuts, but for some reason it was Dunkin Donuts. I think maybe it is because we have a Dunkin Donuts but no Krispy Kreme here in Clarksville. The dream was me walking inside the store and ordering a dozen of various donuts. I got the box and took it to my car. Then I woke up. Once again, I do not get to eat the food in my dream. What is with that? So I decided to pick up some donuts before work. I parked my car and proceeded to the front door and noticed a sign saying "cash only." Crap! I had no cash and I wanted donuts bad. So I got back into my car and drove to the nearest ATM. I got $20 out and headed back. Once again, I parked my car and walked in the front door. At the counter, I order a variety of 12 donuts, making sure I get the boston creme donuts with chocolate on top. MMMM! I notice the board behind the employee which had iced coffees and frappacinos listed. Before she rings me up, I ask for a caramel mocha frappacino. She asks what size. I ask how big the sizes are. I asked this because, as we all know, the sizes of drinks have become astronomical. She shows me what looks to be 12, 16 and 20 oz cups. I thought that I would go for the medium. Then I was asked if I would like whip cream on top. No was my answer and then I proceed to pay as my drink was being made. Unfortunately, I was speaking another language again. Why am I so hard to understand? After paying, I am handed a drink in a 44 oz cup with whip cream on top. What is this? This can't be my drink. I wanted the 16 oz. with no whip cream. But once I looked up from this drink, I didn't seem to care. Because not only was the size and the topping messed up, but I seemed to also have an iced coffee and not a frappacino. By the way, when I took a drink, it was an iced caramel coffee. No mocha. It was pretty gross. I think I will stick with Starbucks.

On Friday, I went to pick up some Thai food for me and Vanessa. The Thai House is pretty good. It is no Taste of Thai (which is in Knoxville), but it is a good second choice. The restaurant is a good 20 minute drive from Vanessa's house, but I didn't care. I was starving and craving Thai food. I was ok earlier until Vanessa said she wanted Thai. Dang you Vanessa! Arriving at the restaurant, I noticed it was a whole new group of people running it. Did someone buy the restaurant? Usually, it was a family of three that ran it. Well, I ordered yellow curry chicken for me and pad Thai for Vanessa. I paid for the food and started on my trek to Vanessa's house. It was a long drive. I almost couldn't wait. The anticipation was killing me. I love yellow curry chicken. I do remember thinking in the car that it is nice that I don't have a problem with the Thai House. My problem before was that they were always closed during business hours and more importantly, they were closed when I drove out there to eat. It was a constant frustration that now, I don't have to deal with. I'm very happy about that. Well, I got to Vanessa's and we quickly get the food out. I dish out my rice and pour the yellow curry overtop. I quickly take a large bite. What did I just put into my mouth? No, I didn't just have short term memory loss. That is not yellow curry chicken. I take another bite which is equally disgusting. What is this? This can't be. Not my beloved yellow curry chicken. This was dishwater with yellow food coloring poured over rice. I paid $20 for this food and I hate wasting food, but I couldn't eat it. Vanessa's food was apparently not as bad tasting but it wasn't good either. She decided to eat it which turned out to be a terrible mistake. She is still throwing up today.

This leads me to wonder, will I have a problem with MySpace. Hopefully not. At least, I don't think it will end up like my coffee or Thai addictions. It certainly shouldn't taste bad, so I got that going for me.

I received an email from a friend of mine named Kristin. The email had links to a video called "Salad Fingers." I am not sure what the heck this is. It was strange and somewhat disturbing. There were additional links for more Salad Finger videos. So I watched the second one. AHHHHHHHHH! Folks this one is truly disturbing. I think my days of dreaming of hashbrown casserole and donuts are over. Nightmares of Salad Fingers and rusty spoons will haunt me forever. I will never look at a salad again without seeing that crazy cartoon. And by the way, Kristin is also the person that showed me the Capri-Sun twist. I guess since I didn't give her credit before, my punishment was her sending me the Salad Fingers links.

Detective spoof wins coveted bad-writing prize is my news story of interest. The opening line to the book is this "Detective Bart Lasiter was in his office studying the light from his one small window falling on his super burrito when the door swung open to reveal a woman whose body said you've had your last burrito for a while, whose face said angels did exist, and whose eyes said she could make you dig your own grave and lick the shovel clean." Wow! It definitely deserves the award. Although, one part of the line does seem true, because when I see an attractive woman, her body is definitely saying that I've had my last burrito for a while.


Blogger Boriqua said...

You kill me, Brent. I think you'd do better to stick to burritos than the Thai House's food.

I hear you about the MySpace addiction. Thanks for helping me form another bad habit!

8:38 AM  

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