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Saturday, December 03, 2005

You Got Served!

Well, I am back from Thanksgiving in Knoxville which I had a wonderful time with family and friends. Good times!

Last night I went out to a friend of a friend's house. We played Spades, Shout and Taboo. No, not at the same time, that would be ridiculous. First we played Spades. I was terrible. It was so long since I had played, I think I forgot most of the rules. Then everyone (there was 7 people all together) wanted to play Shout. I had never heard of Shout and asked what it was. They said it is a movie trivia game. YES! They were not huge movie people and I could see me dominating this game. I kept quite about being a big movie fan. We split into two teams and started the game. First, it started with "guess the movie from the famous quote." I got 8 of 10. Second, was "guess the movie from the picture." It would show more of the picture as time elapsed. On one of the pictures, it started out by showing just water. I quickly shouted out "Jaws." Everyone looked at me in amazement. As it revealed more of the picture, it showed the boat "Orca." I was right. It was Jaws. I got 9 of 10 in this category. We went through other sections of the game and I had about the same percentage on answering the questions. I hate to brag, but I smoked them. After the game, I stood up and yelled "You got served!" They didn't know what movie that was from either, so it was a little awkward for a moment. We only played one full game of Shout because it was deemed unfair, so we went to play Taboo. I have never been very good at Taboo, but have always enjoyed it. Well, I must have finally learned how to play. I did pretty good. No domination, but I was competitive. The secret to playing is don't say one or all of the five words below the answer. The other team will buzz you and you don't get any points. All this time I struggled, but now, oh now, it is ON! I must say I had a pretty good time, plus playing a few games will help me practice for my December "Puerto Rico" competition. Puerto Rico is a board game that I tried a month or two ago. With Rich explaining how to play the game, I came out with a victory. Thanks Rich! I heard Pattie finally won after playing about 500 times. That was nice of Rich to let her win. He is pretty charitable at times. I guess 1 out of 500 is good, because I do believe Tamara is still winless. Oh, Yeah! Smack talk on my blog!

Well, enough about my unblemished record in Puerto Rico. My news story this week is called Sexsomnia. I wish I had something sarcastic to say about this but I am at a loss for words. Has anyone else heard of this? I have heard of people sleep walking and killing someone (which is weird enough), but I had not heard of sexual crimes being committed like this. Well, if somehow this guy really suffers from this, I believe when he is getting ready to go to sleep, he should be locked up like a werewolf during a full moon. But, I have a hard time believing this illness. This world is certainly crazy sometimes.

Until my next bloggings which will be a Puerto Rico 4 part series which are titled,"Rich and Brent Are Victorious, Still Winning, Like There Is Any Doubt, and Pattie and Tamara Should Really Give Up - It Is Embarrassing."


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