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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Pattie's Presence Causes Another Injury

What is it about Pattie and me having injuries or illnesses. I can't escape this curse. Back in early 2003, Pattie and Vanessa went with me to New York. I had a cold but it quickly turned into a full blown illness when I arrived in New York. I was so sick that Pattie's aunt, who is a health care professional, thought that I was in serious trouble. She was ready to take me to the emergency room. Then in 2004, I went on a trip to Las Vegas with Pattie. It was a rough trip as my right foot was broken. I tried to keep up with Pattie but it is difficult walking in a wooden shoe down the Las Vegas strip. Quite amusing too! Now to this weekend. Pattie comes to visit and mysteriously my shoulder is completely screwed up. I can not lift my hand above my shoulder. It is very painful. So I am finally making the connection. It is Pattie. I am not sure how she is doing it, but if you see her, walk away carefully (don't run, it gives her a chance to make you trip and fall). I am not sure how Rich is still alive. Actually, I haven't heard from Rich since the wedding. Someone better check on him.

The wedding I was referring to was Vanessa and Ken's. It was a very beautiful wedding. Everyone looked great. Good job everyone!

Well, since nothing too bizarre has happened to me this week (thank God!), I am going right to my news stories. Yes, I said "stories." I have 2 stories this time. The first one is titled "Loyal donkeys better than wives, says textbook." Now I agree that wives can complain sometimes, but I don't know about the donkeys. Maybe they do complain. After all, a donkey is commonly referred to as an "ass." They probably just sound a little less irritating. But why donkeys? Maybe there is another animal out there that would be even less irritating or more compatible. I am not sure what would be better but I know a bird would be worse. They are noisy most of the time and crap all over things.

The second is titled, "Jesus may have walked on ice, not water - study." What? Is this really what an oceanography professor at Florida State University studies? Maybe he should be studing the ocean for pertinent issues here in present day. Personally, if Jesus did walk on a piece of ice floating in the water, I think that is also a miracle. Do you know how hard that would be? Incredible! Either way it's a miracle.

Until next time and remember WATCH OUT FOR PATTIE!


Blogger Boriqua said...

Dude, your next Pattie-related injury is going to be a kick in the a$$.

My secret to your illnesses and injuries? That cute little Brent voodoo doll I have. I've named him Broodoo.

Love the news stories, though. Till the next illness or injury...

10:27 PM  

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