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Monday, March 20, 2006

March Madness!

Well, it is definitely that time of year again. The greatest sporting event period. The NCAA 64 team tournament. It is so exciting. I know quite a few people that are reading this paragraph and all they will comprehend is blah, blah, blah. Sorry, but I love basketball and the tournament. If you wish, skip to the next paragraph. It is not about sports. Every year I fill out a bracket and every year I watch as I hardly get any picks correct. It's funny how you always lose to someone who has no idea what they are picking. A couple of years ago, I did a bracket with my coworkers. The person that won chose the winners based on whether she liked their name or uniforms. How does that happen? I'm watching ESPN and doing research on the internet. Shouldn't I win? Actually, I don't put too much weight into winning the tournament pool. I just enjoy rooting for Tennessee, the SEC, and all underdogs. Nothing is better than a small 13, 14 or 15 seeded team beating a major high ranked program. March Madness is great!

Speaking of madness, I went to church this Sunday. I went to the early service which is at 8:15 am. After the service was over, I went downstairs to the Sunday School classrooms. I was waiting outside in the hallway to make sure I had the correct classroom. One of the teachers came out and introduced himself. He asked me what class I was looking to attend and then proceeded to invite me to his class. Although he did say that their class was actually helping with the lunch. I thought this would be a lot of fun. The lunch that they do is for the homeless and poor in the city. This is done every Sunday and each Sunday School class rotates working and serving. I helped prepare some food from 9:30 am to 10:30 am (mainly bread - real tough!). It was unbelievable how much food was there and it was all donated by restaurants and grocery stores. We started serving the food at 10:30 am. We had a buffet line that served hot food at the beginning and deserts at the end. I was in the middle serving salad. Everything was going well and I really felt good about helping. Then I turned to my left and saw one man near the deserts and he started taking off his coat. Then he proceeded to take his pants off. Yes, you read that correctly. This man just took his pants off inside the church. Now the madness comment at the beginning of this paragraph is starting to make sense. Only wearing underwear, he starts walking towards the kitchen area. I am in shock and turn to the woman beside me. As I am telling her there is a man walking around in his underwear, he apparently vomits in the kitchen and heads back out towards us. Now, everyone is fully aware of this half naked man. Thankfully one of the men in charge of the Sunday lunch stopped him from walking out of the dining area and into the sanctuary where the second service is being held. He helped the man get his clothes and escorted him out. The lunch was a great experience except for the half naked vomiting man. Some things you just don't expect to see at church. At least this was not me making a fool of myself in church. I have done this several times. There was the time in Milwaukee where we had a church service in a gymnasium. They used wicker baskets for the offering. I took the basket from the usher and proceeded to pass it down. I did not notice that my watch had caught on the wicker and also that the person next to me did not have a hold on it. I let go and brought my arm back in to my body. The basket turned over and the money was slung out. Why did people have to give so much change? It rolled so well on the gym floor. I had thrown money all over the floor. At least I didn't yell "money changers" as Jonathan suggested.

Here is another news story of the week, "Psychics to try contacting Lennon in TV seance." This is an all time low for TV. They are trying to contact people that we already know how they died. Wouldn't it be more exciting to contact Hoffa and find out where he was buried? And who killed him? Or maybe contact JFK or Marilyn Monroe? Why contact people that can't tell us anything important? Apparently in the first show, Princess Diana's spirit said her limo ride sucked. Wow, that's a shocker! I am sure this isn't a rip off. It's on TV. It has to be true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell Yoko to stop singing!
Everyone here teases me mercilessly.."Hey, is that Yoko singing?......Yoko..O NO!!"

1:24 PM  

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