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Thursday, November 17, 2005

Tamara Davis Loves Gerard Butler

Tamara Davis is in love with Gerard Butler. I told Tamara that I would post this, so here it is. Well, this week was a little more eventful than last. On Friday, I drove to HOTlanta to visit my friends Andrew and Carey. They are doing very well and I am very proud of them both. I played in a church golf tournament with Andrew on Saturday. We did extremely well. We finished second to last. I also received only one death threat through 18 holes. That is a personal best. On a par 3, I sliced the ball so bad that it hit a tree and about killed an older gentleman that is in the first stages of Alzheimer's. Pretty much a great day on the golf course.

My co-worker earned his $10 as he sat all the way through "The Last Slumber Party." His first response to me was that I owed him much more than $10. Even though he survived watching the movie, it effected his mental state. He started quoting classic lines like, "Hey, science," and "Stop it queer bait." The other day he started singing "Lets go out tonight!" Unbelievable! He can't stop quoting. This movie possesses a power that can't be explained. Please do not watch this movie! Don't be its next victim.

After ruining my co-worker's life, I decided to go to a hockey game (Nashville Predators vs. Dallas Stars) with him. It was dollar hot dog night and I felt another bet coming on. Who can eat the most hot dogs? Quite a challenge. Not really. After his Slumber Party lobotomy, he could not keep up with me. I smoked him by eating two hot dogs. Yes, I know that is not many, but considering his state, I beat him pretty bad. He just tried to stab me with his hot dog which had three well positioned drops of ketchup on it. I wanted him to stop because he was starting to weird me out, so I used one of the lines from the film. I yelled "Stop it queer bait!" This was probably not the best line to use considering how many people were around and that he was holding a hot dog next to my throat. Stupid movie! Hey, the Predators won the game 5 to 3. Great game! Also, anytime the Pred score 5 or more goals, you get a free taco at Taco Bell with your ticket stub. Go Pred!

Well, I guess it is time for my news story of the week. In New Jersey slogan search, everyone's a comedian shows how much of a joke New Jersey really is. The people there are getting to make fun of the state, but what about the rest of the US. I am sure that the other 49 states would love to get involved. One suggestion was "New Jersey: Hey, at least it's not West Virginia!" This could start a domino effect where all states would belittle the other in their slogan. I personally would love for this to happen. It might make the whole "state slogan" thing more interesting.

Well, until next time and don't forget, Tamara Davis loves Gerard Butler.


Blogger Boriqua said...

Don't forget, Brent--Tamara Davis also loves Ryan Reynolds.

Your golf story is hysterical. Good thing you didn't take that poor old man out. Your coworker is a strong, strong person to make it through the craptacular LSP. Oy.

Love the New Jersey slogan contest. How about "New Jersey. Come sample New York's leftovers?"

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you very much Science!

5:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very Funny stuff, but what I am more interested in is Tamara Davis. My name is Nikos Vamvaketis and I am trying to reach a Tamara Davis that I was told lives in Nashville. I served in the Army with her and was deployed to Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War. If this is the same Tamara, please give her my email addy so we can correspond.

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!

5:45 AM  

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